Alex Stewart International India has provided cargo and marine survey services to insurance companies and P&I Clubs for over 10 years in the Indian Industry. Our experienced surveyors examine and assess damage related to cargo, ships, etc. in order to mitigate loss and protect interests for consignees, Insurance companies, ship owners, charterers, and P&I Clubs, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
p>Alex Stewart India's professionals provide specialist advice and audits to promote safety, operational efficiency and protection of their assets. Our expert knowledge can provide answers to questions and solutions to problems for marine related cargo or equipment deployment, logistics, or any other specialized projects that may require specific planning, estimating, or a feasibility study.
Our consultancy Services
Technical consultants and surveys
Salvage and towage consulting
Insurance claims Analysis & Surveying
Technical advisors for law Firms, H & M Underwriters, P&I Clubs, Charterers, Ship-owners, Shipyards
General loss adjustment for casualties
We Analyze... We Optimize... We Customize... YOU CAPITALIZE