Alex Stewart International India Surveyors undertake On-Hire Surveys / Off-Hire Surveys of ships before the ship is delivered into a charter, or redelivered from a charter. The survey report includes a detailed description of a ship's cargo spaces/deck areas structural condition, cargo space cleanliness, bunkers on board, listing of the vessel's statutory certificates, portable securing equipment, etc. On-Hire Surveys / Off-Hire Surveys are very important for a client when hiring a vessel to limit their liability, by ensuring they have the correct information on the condition of the vessel and work required in respect of the Charter Party. On-Hire and Off-Hire Condition Surveys documented with photographs at the time of delivery or re-delivery.
Our survey goals are:
Ascertaining the condition of the vessel prior to delivery,
Recording any damage to hull or cargo spaces,
Certifying holds suitability for loading of the intended cargoes,
Validity of class and statutory certificates, if any.
On or Off Hire Surveys are conducted to the extent requested by the client. After completion of the survey we provide the client with a detailed report, signed and stamped by our surveyor, the captain and chief engineer of the vessel.
Our survey report can be of assistance to substantiate claims from Owners towards Charterers or to decline a claim towards the Charterer.
We Analyze... We Optimize... We Customize... YOU CAPITALIZE